Monday, July 10, 2006

a few things that make me ill!!! (stolen from else where but fun bo less!!)

1. Women who can't take care of themselves!!! This drives me bonkers they can't do shit with out a man and play the damsel in distess roll. They are doing every woman a diservice. and I for one have had enough grow and pair and stand on your own two feet.

2. People on welfare for more than a couple months to get on thier feet. I know hard times and I have muddles through and I can't stand when people just get lazy and take advantage of the system then complain when they have nothing or worse complain because you have something when you have every right because you get off your ass and work every god damn day!!

3. Single moms who for no good reason just out of spite give the father of thier child(ren) a hard time about sing said child. Give me a brake if you got a babby's daddy that wants to see his kid isn't a menace to society then count your lucky stars take the brake and let him!! For christs sake you are only hurting yourself and your children when you won't let him see them because he will find a better woman who isn't spitefull and realize it isn't his fault he can't see your kids and guess what eventual the fight leaves him!! MORON!


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