Friday, August 03, 2007

Proud of myself

I drove to work today! I drove past the place where I was hit and I am ok, granted I white knuckled the steering wheel the whole was but I made it and I am ok.

I have to leave at 3 today to go and pick up my daughter from her father in Boston, I am not looking forward to the ride or seeing him he is being an idiot again. He has had her for a month and is giving me a hard time about bringing her back so now I have to drive down there and force him to hand her over or I will have to call the cops, I don't want to do that but I want my child back.

He comes and takes her maybe once every couple of months and thinks he is a model father so I told him he could take her for a month over the summer and see how it is when a child lives with them and he has to be responsible well I guess he doesn't. She is supposed to read 15 books this summer she has read 2 in the month she has been down there, she has told me she is watching a lot of tv and not really doing anything. I saw her last week she came to my cousin's birthday party and she has gained weight and is become sedentary. Now I am not saying that she needs to be on the run at all times but plopping your kid in front of the tv all day is not ok. I feel like he took his same commitment to parenting every two months to the time she has been down there, she is eating whatever she wants whenever, with no disipline or anything. Raising a child is not like raising a puppy, they need more than food and water and a walk. Kids need way more than that they need consistancy and rules, disipline as well as love, hell usually disipline that comes from love. They are to be guided not by cartoon network but by the adults in their lives we are there role models and if you are saying it is ok to sit on the couch and watch Cartoons while eating cheese dootles you are sending the wrond message. I am not saying it's not ok ever but it is not ok everyday.

As parents there is an ever increasing struggle to keep our children on a healthy path. When we were kids there was less sedentary activities. Nintendo was just coming out and MTV was a baby network and cartoons were something that were on channel 5 on sunday mornings. Now a days there's 4 cartoon channels 24/7, several different video game consoles, the computer, the internet, and MTV 1 and 2 vh1 and a lot of other facters. Parents have to be vigilant at this point children are growing up too fast, obiesity is on the rise. There is so much to protect your child from hell even at the end of the ner Harry Potter book the word Bitch appears and that's a childrens book.

I am just unhappy with his level of viligence when it comes to my child. I am concerned that she is being neglected not in the I am going to call DSS way but in the she is a tv potato all of a sudden, this child has always been active and a reader and I am disapointed in the way he choose to spend this summer. Yes they had good times they went camping twice and had fun but I wanted more that jsut material good times to come out of this I wanted both of them to get something out of this and all that happened was more of the same old.


Blogger Middle Girl said...

I'm glad you were able to get past the accident, enough.

The parenting It's disappointing that your daughter's father doesn't share your views nor possess a view that would provide a disciplined, nurturing, envigorating environment for her.

I hope things improve on that front, sooner rather than later.


10:29 AM  
Blogger r.d. said...

Just for the record: puppies (and dogs) need more than just a walk, food and water too. That said, I'm sorry you're having parenting issues. Sounds like some tough stuff to deal with but don't worry, she doesn't have to go down that negative path. She's your daughter- you have influence. Good job with the accident thing-

5:44 PM  
Blogger Rissamama3 said...

Only Daughter thanks I was just happy to be able to get in the car and not break down crying!
I think my daughter is dissapointed too!

RD I know that dogs and puppies need more I have two dogs I probabley should have gone with a virtual pet scenerio!

10:29 AM  

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