Monday, July 17, 2006


OK I am about to gush here soooo if you don't like the mushy change the channel!!

I was e-mailing with a friend of mine who saw me for the first time in a few months and I was catching her up on my situation and I know it's all happening really fast but ME the perpetual committmentphobe isn't running. Go Figure which gets me to thinking and analyzing! Well I guess what they say is right when it's the right one you don't want to run anymore. He is the most amazing man in the world!! He makes me laugh till I snort and my belly hurts! He is sweet and tender. He is crass and loud, which are a plus for me. He is honest and trustworthy. He is everything to me. and I feel like I want to go up to the white mountains and climb the highest mountain and scream all of these things from the top of my lungs!! and yes I am a romantic and yes usually I go for the bad boy or wrong guy, but there is nothing bad about this one no drug problems, he isn't homeless (those are my fovorites!!) and I am happier than a pig in poop!!

We have discussed moving in together! and he spends alot ok most of his free time at my house but if we move in together I would move out of my place and we would get our own place! For the first time I want to live with someone and I want to spend time with them. For the first time my head isn't ready to explode and things are just falling into place. We just fit it's weird it feels like he has alway s been here and that this isn't new at all like this is how it's supposed to be. I have to say this is one of the best feelings I have ever had. It's so weird I used to think adult love kinda hurt at least that's the way it was in my past relationships I always had this hallow kind of aching feeling in my chest when I looked at them. Like I was always longing for more. More what I don't know, but more. Well I look at J and all I feel is this warm sensation like when they give you the anesthesia in your IV that warming sensation right before they knock you out. Thats what I get now and this feeling like everything is going to be ok!! I am amazed at this. And excited all at the same time. Like my life is starting out new! The possabilities are endless with us together and I could have what I thought wouldn't ever happen for me.

OK I'm done for now!!


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