Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Hump day facts!

* In Ancient Greece, women would expose their genitals to ward of storms at sea.

* Mink's are the most highly sexed animals, intercourse lasts an average of eight hours and they ejaculate up to 260,000 sperm cells at a time.

* Casanova boasted that he made love to the same woman twelve times in one day.

* A man' penis can stay constantly erect , by applying camel's milk and honey, according to the "Kama Sutra".

* Most turkeys and giraffes are bisexual.

* An adult gorilla's penis is only two inches long.

* The chimpanzee holds the record for the quickest sexual intercourse session at an average of three seconds.

* Creative Cleopatra invented her own diaphragm from camel dung.

* The word "Pornography" comes from the Greek meaning "the writings of prostitutes".

* The penis of a dragonfly is shaped like a shovel and has the ability to scoop out a male rivals semen.

* .In ancient Greece and Rome, dildos were made out of animal horns, gold, silver ivory and glass.

* Sex education was first introduced into English schools in 1889.

* The Marquis de Sade was imprisoned by the request of his mother-in-law for "sex crimes".

* Both humans and fish share a common sexual practice - Fellatio, or Oral Sex.

* Both humans and porpoises have one social sex practice in common - group sex.

* Honking of car horns for a couple that just got married is an old superstition to insure great sex.

* Cleopatra inserted stones into her vagina to prevent her from getting pregnant.

* Dr. Kellogg introduced Kellogg's Corn Flakes in hopes that it would reduce masturbation.

* The sperm of a mouse is actually longer than the sperm of an elephant.

* Unfaithful wives were made to chase a chicken through town, naked in medieval France.

* The Black Widow spider eats her mate during or after sex.

* In Sambia, New Guinea males must perform ritualized homosexual acts until they reach adulthood.

* The Rhinoceros has a penis no less than two feet long.

* Napoleon's penis was sold to an American Urologist for $40,000

* The penguin only has one single orgasm in a year.

* Eating the heart of a male Partridge was the cure for impotence in ancient Babylon.

* A bull can inseminate 300 cows from one single ejaculation.

* When a Hawaiian woman wears a flower over her left ear, it means that she is not available


Blogger Middle Girl said...

Cleo reeeaaaallly didn't want any (or was it more)kids, huh?

Very interesting & funny.

1:05 PM  
Blogger The Mad Hatter said...

My turkey is pure blooded lesbien ;-)

8:54 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

just stopping by to say hi

12:30 AM  

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