Monday, October 02, 2006

Weekend! (warning a little bitching is probably coming)

What a loooooong weekend! Today I was glad to get to work, we had the little step monsters (jamns kids) this weekend. I am trying very hard to be sympathetic and understanding but by Sunday evening I wanted to run the little fucker over with my car!

OK let me back up to the beginning.

Friday evening there was a three car pile up on the route I take to get home from work, so I called Jman and told him he would have to pick up my kids and take them with him I will be late. This wasn't a problem for him, he grabbed them and went to get his kids and cash his check. He called me right after picking my kids up and was on the phone with me as his kids were getting into the car and I hear the 9 year old (from hence forth known as saitan's spawn) say (very loudly) why are they here?? Jman says because there mom wasn't home to pick them up. He answers "So" I tell Jman to let me go because it was just fustraiting me that this kids was already acting like this. I finish my rde home and no one is there when I get there so I clean a little and take the dog out. I am sitting in my living room and the door opens and you can here the stampede!

I greet everyone and give Jman a kiss and his son jumps right between us and starts vying for Dad's attention. (I don't play in I just go about my business) He then turns to me and says "look my dad gave me a dollar and he didn't give your kids anything" (again I bite my tongue) and say "well that was nice of your dad to give you that" I then go and start making dinner. He goes into my fridge (with out asking and yes my kids ask) and says "there is nothing to drink all you and my dad do is drink beer" WTF!!! I explane that beer isn't the only thing we drink but as adults we are allowed to have some beers if we feel like it and he could have water" I got "I don't like water" and he stomps off I made tuna helper for dinner and everyone ate with a few complaints but I ignored it. The rest of the night wasn't bad.

Saturday morning we woke up to his children barging into our room through the door closed. The 8 year old goes directley to the dogs crate and lets him out. This got me up and I told him we don't let sneakers out unless I say it's ok I got a whatever! he then starts playing with the dog so I get up and take the dog out. it's 7:30 I don't sleep late but this is not how I want to get up. I made Jman get up becuase my kids were still sleeping. All day saturday he fought with my kids and stomped around the house gave me attitude and dirty looks. (this is shit I don't take from my kids) I went and got my hair cut and colored (that's a whole other blog I haven't colored my hair in 3 years). I came home and Jman was ready to kill saitan's spawn so I said I would take ss and my daughter food shopping with me. (I think the coloring got to my head) I took them and all I heard out of SS was can I have, can I get, and I don't like that... finally I turned and said that he didn't have to like everything I bought because he doesn't eat at my table 7 days a week. I got a "thank god" I told him he could get a snack and he picked out something that was called gripz they were on sale 2 for 5 dollars or 3 dollars each so I told my daughter to grab a box and he immediatley says forget it! soI told my daughter to put it back they were on sale and he says fine! (ungrateful little shit!) I survive the food shopping and head back home.
We get home and get all the groceries in the house I put most away and Jman does the rest I hear a commotion in the kitchen and head in there SS is pissed because my kids were helping and Jman was singing with my son. He is stopping off and changing (he was wearing my sons clothes) into his dirty ones. (because that's gonna bother me) we all ignore it and continue on. Later he is still acting miffed and my daughter says "why are you so mad?" he answers "what do you care." and runs off. We get everyone to bed and the rest of the night we relax and watch tv.

Sunday we aren't woken up by the herd barging into our room but SS barged into the girls room and woke up the baby and my daughter in the process my daughter tells him to get out and he replies I am in here to see my sister and I can come in anytime I want (he is screaming this) I get up and tell him that, that is not the case that he can not just open a closed door it isn't his room and he doesn't have the right. the baby is screaming at this point because this is what woke her up. he then starts to scream at me that I can't keep him from his sister and that he didn't care what I said Jman is up now. And he tells SS that this isn't his room and everyone was sleeping and just because he was up he didn't need to wake everyone up. Nothing like a little morning screaming to get you going! Jman goes to make breakfast and my daughter asks if she can mix the eggs. Jman says that was fine as soon as SS sees this he throws a fit, he wanted to and so on and so on... my daughter just says fine here, and the answer is "forget I don't want to anymore"

The rest of the day it is more sighing stomping and dirty looks as well as the list of rediculously expensive things he wants for his birthday, an Ipod, a boom box, a portable dvd player, and on and on and on. (please I just got an Ipod) and everytime Jman said one present of another was inapropriate he would get angry.
We are getting ready to go visit Jman's parents and I am trying to drop the hint that I don't want to go I have no desire to be around him any longer and need some quiet time it was no good (he isn't the brightest bulb) we get in the car and immediatley there is fighting over sitting arangements I loose it at this point I say that if we can't get along and drop the attitudes we would go no where that my kids would go in thier rooms and Jman's would go home that I could not listen to one more second of any of it. they say ok and we go it wasn't bad but not great.

I went home with my kids while Jman was dropping his off I was drained, exhausted. I just don't know what to do he is a little monster and I don't want to be around him at this point. he is greedy and nasty and mean and grrrrrr. I am biting my tongue I know it must be hard for him.

OK thanks for letting me vent I feel a little better and at least I have two weeks until they come back over.


Blogger SassyFemme said...

Oh wow. That sounds like a very rough weekend. SS strikes me as a little man with some very big hurts, and very big issues. Is he like that at his mom's house, too?

6:56 PM  
Blogger Rissamama3 said...

I'm don't think it is to this extent at home but I have a feeling that he gets his way a lot more there too. I feel bad because I know he has a lot of hurt and it's hard for a kid to understand and accept a situation like this sometimes, but there are times when it's just really fustrating and I got to let it out. I don't dislike the kid I just dislike being around him sometimes.

I have to walk away from my own sometimes before I run to the nearest train track and strap them all down!

7:34 AM  

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