Thursday, November 09, 2006

All About Me!

I borrowed this from Mad Hatter,

1. Start Time: 9:59 am
2. Name: Betty
3 Astrology sign: Aquarius
4. Gender: Female
5. Hair color: dark auburn but naturally really really blonde
6. Eye color: green
7. Your mood: excited
8. Favorite color(s): Red, hot pink, blue
9. Glasses : No, but i think soon
10. Tattoos: yes three!
11. Best part of your life: my home life but it's all good at this point
12. Hometown: somerville but living in manvegas now
13. Single or taken: happily living in domestic bliss :)
14..Sibling's name: to little brothers

15. Cut your own hair? my bangs
16. Did you do something in the past month that you regret? i try and not regret anything if i didn't live my life the way i have I wouldn't be where I am today
17. Fell in love at first sight? lust yes long lasting love take time to develope
18. Skipped school? yes
19. Smoked?: yes
20. Bungee jumped?: no way I am terrified of heights
21. Had any kids?: yes two
22. Punched someone? yes twice both in 8th grade and I got in a lot of trouble for one I knocked her braces loose
23. Cheated on a test? probably
24. Been arrested? No, but that just means I have never been caught ;-)
25. Broken into someone's house? my own
26. Been fired? no
27. Been acussed of something that was not your fault? of course i have even been blamed for stuff I didn't even know happened
28. Been rejected? yes :(
29. Been to a funeral? too many
30. Used a lighter? Yep
31. Been on stage? yes I have I am always a star!

32. Season: summa!
33. Food: anything yummy
34. Ice cream flavor: chocolate fudge brownie
35. Fruit: apples and bananas
36. Candy/chocolate: hershey's kisses
37. Breakfast: french toast
38. Person: ro and zay and jman
39. Book: anything by Wally Lamb.
40. Weather: Sunny, but not boiling hot
41. Song: i am loving that song by the scissor sisters but anything I can dance to
43 State/City: somerville ma!
44. Place: cuddling under the blankets with Jman
45. Sport to watch on TV : got to love my pats!
46. Spot to be kissed: my kneck
47. Computer site: Bloggersville
48. Movie: Beaches and Dirty Dancing
49. Disney movie: Sleeping Beauty (loved it so much named a kid after one of the characters)
50. Disney princess: hehehe see above
51. Place(s) to eat out: margaritas
52. Name(s) for a son: zay
53. Name(s) for a daughter: ro and sally if I ever have another girl after my mom
54. Chocolate or vanilla ice-cream? put the both together and mix!!
55. Alcoholic or non? today I am all for the alcohalic version!
56. Long relationships or one-night stands? LIFETIME relationships
57. Dogs or cats? doggies got to stick by my pup ;-)
58. Scary movies or comedies? comedies I get freaked out by scary movies
59. TV or the computer? mostly TV when I am home I sit on a computer all day
60. Croutons or bacon bits? bacon bits but only the hormel ones
61. Books or magazines? books

62. Mexicans: margaritas
63. School: uniforms
64. Car: convertable (fire engine red)
65. Cows: my fav animal
66. Canadians: up north
67. Mouse: mickey
68. Hand: ring

69. Talked on the phone? yes Jman and I talk all the time and my daughter calls as soon as she gets home from school
70. Watched a movie? Sunday x3 (see MH you are not alone)
71. Cried? nope
72. Smoked? yes
73. Drank a glass of water? yes but I am not a big water fan I put crystal light in it
74. Used drugs? not anything beside migrain pills
75. Read a book or magazine? No
76. Watched TV? Yep
77. Looked in the mirror? yes everyday I put on my makeup
78. Taken a shower? everyday
79. Taken a picture? yes I stuck a tampon up Jmans nose last night! (it opened up in my purse and I was cleaning the purse sitting next to him on the couch)
80. Listened to music? all day
81.Told someone you love them? yes my kids and Jman
82.Time: 10:32 am (i did stuff and came back to this)


Blogger Middle Girl said...

Has everyone at one time or another, broken into their own house?

I had fun reading these-thanks for more views of you.

12:49 PM  
Blogger r.d. said...


11:31 PM  
Blogger The Mad Hatter said...

I loved that Hotty ;-) (another new name)

#15 Ok, Im glad you brought this up cos living in London and glued to american films, I always hear that word "bangs" but never knew what it ment. I know its something to do with hair, if "bangs" are what I think they are, we call them 'dead ends'.

#22 Remind me never to mess with you ;-)

#41 I'm a Sisters fan yippy, I love 'em

#70 Ahh I loved that one, we watched it on pirate dvd (oopsdont call the cops) b4 it even entered the cinema and I think it was the best X-Men I've seen

That was most enjoyable Hot Pick Betty ;-)
Kisses XxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxX

2:43 AM  
Blogger SassyFemme said...

LOL at Man(ch)Vegas. When I left there nobody called it that, now it seems like everybody calls it that!

I get freaked out by scary movies, too. Absolutely refuse to watch them now.

6:11 PM  

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