Thursday, September 14, 2006

Even though I shouldn't...

Some times I do...

1. Eat Mcdonald's or worse Taco Bell.

Most of the time I don't, I cook most nights and eat the lunch I bring to work or buy something remotely healthy... but there are days that I just have to have a big steamy pile of greasy fries.

2. Swear like a sailor.

I have a VERY poor mouth. I have two small children whom know better than to swear, at least at this point. But I can't help myself I swear with out ever realizing it at least I don't realize it until someone points it out. For instance when my baby boy says "mommy watch your language" or my friend says I have never known anyone who is as creative as you with the fowl langauge.

3. Drink a little too much on a weakday.

There are just some days that I want a nice cold beer when I get home which leads to maybe 5 or a couple glasses of wine and before I know it the bottle is gone. And when it's on a Tuesday and I know that I have to pay for it on Wednesday but I still do it!

SO those are some of mine what are yours?


Blogger ilovegolf said...

I don't even know how I navigated to your post, but I somehow found it.
What I wanted to say to you is that I found your writing perfectly lovely, almost gossamer-like.
But, and please forgive me, be careful with, monitor your affection for that 'I deserve that' imbibing.
The reason brewers, vintners and distillers make their products so good is to make people drink them...sometimes, too much of them.
Be that as it may, you seem so very charming.

7:11 AM  

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